using System; using System.Collections; using System.Text; using System.Collections.Generic; /* Based on the JSON parser from * */ /// /// This class encodes and decodes JSON strings. /// Spec. details, see /// /// JSON uses Arrays and Objects. These correspond here to the datatypes ArrayList and Hashtable. /// All numbers are parsed to doubles. /// namespace Combu { public class MiniJSON { private const int TOKEN_NONE = 0; private const int TOKEN_CURLY_OPEN = 1; private const int TOKEN_CURLY_CLOSE = 2; private const int TOKEN_SQUARED_OPEN = 3; private const int TOKEN_SQUARED_CLOSE = 4; private const int TOKEN_COLON = 5; private const int TOKEN_COMMA = 6; private const int TOKEN_STRING = 7; private const int TOKEN_NUMBER = 8; private const int TOKEN_TRUE = 9; private const int TOKEN_FALSE = 10; private const int TOKEN_NULL = 11; private const int BUILDER_CAPACITY = 2000; /// /// On decoding, this value holds the position at which the parse failed (-1 = no error). /// protected static int lastErrorIndex = -1; protected static string lastDecode = ""; /// /// Parses the string json into a value /// /// A JSON string. /// An ArrayList, a Hashtable, a double, a string, null, true, or false public static object jsonDecode(string json) { // save the string for debug information lastDecode = json; if( json != null ) { char[] charArray = json.ToCharArray(); int index = 0; bool success = true; object value = parseValue( charArray, ref index, ref success ); if( success ) lastErrorIndex = -1; else lastErrorIndex = index; return value; } else { return null; } } /// /// Converts a Hashtable / ArrayList / Dictionary(string,string) object into a JSON string /// /// A Hashtable / ArrayList /// A JSON encoded string, or null if object 'json' is not serializable public static string jsonEncode(object json) { var builder = new StringBuilder( BUILDER_CAPACITY ); var success = serializeValue( json, builder ); return ( success ? builder.ToString() : null ); } /// /// On decoding, this function returns the position at which the parse failed (-1 = no error). /// /// public static bool lastDecodeSuccessful() { return (lastErrorIndex == -1); } /// /// On decoding, this function returns the position at which the parse failed (-1 = no error). /// /// public static int getLastErrorIndex() { return lastErrorIndex; } /// /// If a decoding error occurred, this function returns a piece of the JSON string /// at which the error took place. To ease debugging. /// /// public static string getLastErrorSnippet() { if (lastErrorIndex == -1) { return ""; } else { int startIndex = lastErrorIndex - 5; int endIndex = lastErrorIndex + 15; if (startIndex < 0) startIndex = 0; if (endIndex >= lastDecode.Length) endIndex = lastDecode.Length - 1; return lastDecode.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex + 1); } } #region Parsing protected static Hashtable parseObject(char[] json, ref int index) { Hashtable table = new Hashtable(); int token; // { nextToken(json, ref index); bool done = false; while (!done) { token = lookAhead(json, index); if (token == TOKEN_NONE) { return null; } else if (token == TOKEN_COMMA) { nextToken(json, ref index); } else if (token == TOKEN_CURLY_CLOSE) { nextToken(json, ref index); return table; } else { // name string name = parseString(json, ref index); if (name == null) { return null; } // : token = nextToken(json, ref index); if (token != TOKEN_COLON) return null; // value bool success = true; object value = parseValue(json, ref index, ref success); if (!success) return null; table[name] = value; } } return table; } protected static ArrayList parseArray(char[] json, ref int index) { ArrayList array = new ArrayList(); // [ nextToken(json, ref index); bool done = false; while (!done) { int token = lookAhead(json, index); if (token == TOKEN_NONE) { return null; } else if (token == TOKEN_COMMA) { nextToken(json, ref index); } else if (token == TOKEN_SQUARED_CLOSE) { nextToken(json, ref index); break; } else { bool success = true; object value = parseValue(json, ref index, ref success); if (!success) return null; array.Add(value); } } return array; } protected static object parseValue(char[] json, ref int index, ref bool success) { switch (lookAhead(json, index)) { case TOKEN_STRING: return parseString(json, ref index); case TOKEN_NUMBER: return parseNumber(json, ref index); case TOKEN_CURLY_OPEN: return parseObject(json, ref index); case TOKEN_SQUARED_OPEN: return parseArray(json, ref index); case TOKEN_TRUE: nextToken(json, ref index); return bool.Parse("TRUE"); case TOKEN_FALSE: nextToken(json, ref index); return bool.Parse("FALSE"); case TOKEN_NULL: nextToken(json, ref index); return null; case TOKEN_NONE: break; } success = false; return null; } protected static string parseString(char[] json, ref int index) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); char c; eatWhitespace(json, ref index); // " //c = json[index++]; ++index; bool complete = false; while (!complete) { if (index == json.Length) break; c = json[index++]; if (c == '"') { complete = true; break; } else if (c == '\\') { if (index == json.Length) break; c = json[index++]; if (c == '"') { s.Append('"'); } else if (c == '\\') { s.Append('\\'); } else if (c == '/') { s.Append('/'); } else if (c == 'b') { s.Append('\b'); } else if (c == 'f') { s.Append('\f'); } else if (c == 'n') { s.Append('\n'); } else if (c == 'r') { s.Append('\r'); } else if (c == 't') { s.Append('\t'); } else if (c == 'u') { int remainingLength = json.Length - index; if (remainingLength >= 4) { char[] unicodeCharArray = new char[4]; Array.Copy(json, index, unicodeCharArray, 0, 4); uint codePoint = uint.Parse(new string(unicodeCharArray), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); // convert the integer codepoint to a unicode char and add to string //string newChar; //try { newChar = char.ConvertFromUtf32((int)codePoint); } //catch { newChar = ""; } //s.Append(newChar); try { s.Append(char.ConvertFromUtf32((int)codePoint)); } catch {} // skip 4 chars index += 4; } else { break; } } } else { s.Append(c); } } if (!complete) return null; return s.ToString(); } protected static double parseNumber(char[] json, ref int index) { eatWhitespace(json, ref index); int lastIndex = getLastIndexOfNumber(json, index); int charLength = (lastIndex - index) + 1; char[] numberCharArray = new char[charLength]; Array.Copy(json, index, numberCharArray, 0, charLength); index = lastIndex + 1; return double.Parse(new string(numberCharArray)); // , CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } protected static int getLastIndexOfNumber(char[] json, int index) { int lastIndex; for (lastIndex = index; lastIndex < json.Length; lastIndex++) if ("0123456789+-.eE".IndexOf(json[lastIndex]) == -1) { break; } return lastIndex - 1; } protected static void eatWhitespace(char[] json, ref int index) { for (; index < json.Length; index++) if (" \t\n\r".IndexOf(json[index]) == -1) { break; } } protected static int lookAhead(char[] json, int index) { int saveIndex = index; return nextToken(json, ref saveIndex); } protected static int nextToken(char[] json, ref int index) { eatWhitespace(json, ref index); if (index == json.Length) { return TOKEN_NONE; } char c = json[index]; index++; switch (c) { case '{': return TOKEN_CURLY_OPEN; case '}': return TOKEN_CURLY_CLOSE; case '[': return TOKEN_SQUARED_OPEN; case ']': return TOKEN_SQUARED_CLOSE; case ',': return TOKEN_COMMA; case '"': return TOKEN_STRING; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case '-': return TOKEN_NUMBER; case ':': return TOKEN_COLON; } index--; int remainingLength = json.Length - index; // false if (remainingLength >= 5) { if (json[index] == 'f' && json[index + 1] == 'a' && json[index + 2] == 'l' && json[index + 3] == 's' && json[index + 4] == 'e') { index += 5; return TOKEN_FALSE; } } // true if (remainingLength >= 4) { if (json[index] == 't' && json[index + 1] == 'r' && json[index + 2] == 'u' && json[index + 3] == 'e') { index += 4; return TOKEN_TRUE; } } // null if (remainingLength >= 4) { if (json[index] == 'n' && json[index + 1] == 'u' && json[index + 2] == 'l' && json[index + 3] == 'l') { index += 4; return TOKEN_NULL; } } return TOKEN_NONE; } #endregion #region Serialization protected static bool serializeObjectOrArray(object objectOrArray, StringBuilder builder) { if (objectOrArray is Hashtable) { return serializeObject((Hashtable)objectOrArray, builder); } else if (objectOrArray is ArrayList) { return serializeArray((ArrayList)objectOrArray, builder); } else { return false; } } protected static bool serializeObject(Hashtable anObject, StringBuilder builder) { builder.Append("{"); IDictionaryEnumerator e = anObject.GetEnumerator(); bool first = true; while (e.MoveNext()) { string key = e.Key.ToString(); object value = e.Value; if (!first) { builder.Append(", "); } serializeString(key, builder); builder.Append(":"); if (!serializeValue(value, builder)) { return false; } first = false; } builder.Append("}"); return true; } protected static bool serializeDictionary(Dictionary dict, StringBuilder builder) { builder.Append("{"); bool first = true; foreach (var kv in dict) { if (!first) builder.Append(", "); serializeString(kv.Key, builder); builder.Append(":"); serializeString(kv.Value, builder); first = false; } builder.Append("}"); return true; } protected static bool serializeArray(ArrayList anArray, StringBuilder builder) { builder.Append("["); bool first = true; for (int i = 0; i < anArray.Count; i++) { object value = anArray[i]; if (!first) { builder.Append(", "); } if (!serializeValue(value, builder)) { return false; } first = false; } builder.Append("]"); return true; } protected static bool serializeValue(object value, StringBuilder builder) { //Type t = value.GetType(); //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("type: " + t.ToString() + " isArray: " + t.IsArray); if (value == null) { builder.Append("null"); } else if (value.GetType().IsArray) { serializeArray(new ArrayList((ICollection)value), builder); } else if (value is string) { serializeString((string)value, builder); } else if (value is char) { serializeString(Convert.ToString((char)value), builder); } else if (value is decimal) { serializeString(Convert.ToString((decimal)value), builder); } else if (value is Hashtable) { serializeObject((Hashtable)value, builder); } else if (value is Dictionary) { serializeDictionary((Dictionary)value, builder); } else if (value is ArrayList) { serializeArray((ArrayList)value, builder); } else if (value is bool) { builder.Append((bool)value ? "true" : "false"); } #if UNITY_WSA else { double d; if (double.TryParse(value.ToString(), out d)) { serializeNumber(Convert.ToDouble(value), builder); } else { return false; } } #else else if (value.GetType().IsPrimitive) { serializeNumber(Convert.ToDouble(value), builder); } else { return false; } #endif return true; } protected static void serializeString(string aString, StringBuilder builder) { builder.Append("\""); char[] charArray = aString.ToCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < charArray.Length; i++) { char c = charArray[i]; if (c == '"') { builder.Append("\\\""); } else if (c == '\\') { builder.Append("\\\\"); } else if (c == '\b') { builder.Append("\\b"); } else if (c == '\f') { builder.Append("\\f"); } else if (c == '\n') { builder.Append("\\n"); } else if (c == '\r') { builder.Append("\\r"); } else if (c == '\t') { builder.Append("\\t"); } else { int codepoint = Convert.ToInt32(c); if ((codepoint >= 32) && (codepoint <= 126)) { builder.Append(c); } else { builder.Append("\\u" + Convert.ToString(codepoint, 16).PadLeft(4, '0')); } } } builder.Append("\""); } protected static void serializeNumber(double number, StringBuilder builder) { builder.Append(Convert.ToString(number)); // , CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } #endregion } #region Extension methods public static class MiniJsonExtensions { public static string toJson(this Hashtable obj) { return MiniJSON.jsonEncode(obj); } public static string toJson(this Dictionary obj) { return MiniJSON.jsonEncode(obj); } public static string toJson(this ArrayList obj) { return MiniJSON.jsonEncode(obj); } public static ArrayList arrayListFromJson(this string json) { return MiniJSON.jsonDecode( json ) as ArrayList; } public static Hashtable hashtableFromJson(this string json) { return MiniJSON.jsonDecode( json ) as Hashtable; } } #endregion }