Combu 2.1.1 released

Combu 2.1.1 has been released with an important bug fix and great improvements, let’s see the release notes:


  • Fixed bug in saving account customData
  • Web service groups/list has been improved to allow loading of all public groups
  • Class AddonModule has new method NotifyUserLogout to notify all add-ons when the user logged off
  • Added new class (and database table) CB_Session to store the login sessions of players


  • Added new properties to UserGroup class: “idOwner”, “owner”, “customData”
  • Added new overload to load all groups: UserGroup.Load(pageNumber, limit, callback)
  • Added new methods UserGroup.LoadMembership to load the groups where the user is member
  • UserGroup.Load retrieves only the group owner by the user
  • You can now login the same account from different sources*


  • Added new table CB_Session

* With the new CB_Session class/table you can now login your players from different platforms at the same time, for example you can login on both iOS and Android and Windows Phone without waiting to logout from one of the other like it was before!

** Execute the file combu_db_upgrade_from_2_1_0.sql if you are upgrading from version 2.1.0 or older.

License Manager 1.0

If you need an add-on for your Combu application to manage licenses with subscription plans and time/launch trials then you are looking for License Manager!

With this new add-on for Combu, you can handle monthly, yearly, date or launch count expirations for your online game/app and grant or deny access with an easy to use license manager. You can set a default license type for new account registrations, useful to enable for example a 30-days trial-before-buy.

Once installed on Combu server, you will have access to a new link in the administration console menu to manage the licenses of your players.

Released Combu 2.1

Combu 2.1 has been released on our website Store and submitted to Asset Store, as ever you will have to wait for Unity review process if you want to update from there else you can redeem your invoice and download from our website.

This version fixes a few bugs (mainly on the server side) and adds new features:

  • User.LoadFriends now fills 3 different lists: friends (who accepted), ignored (who you’re ignoring) and requests (pending requests)
  • the web application now supports add-ons, we will explain more later in the following days about how to create and install add-ons for Combu server

As first result of the new add-ons support, we created and released License Manager to easily manage subscription plans. It is the very first add-on in the market and it could help the most creative developers to write, share and eventually sell their own add-ons.

If you create an add-on and want to sell it then we don’t ask for any charge and you are free to keep the income.

Released Combu 2.0.7

Combu 2.0.7 has been just released on our website and submitted to Asset Store for the review process. You can now load the online players in Unity, while in the administration console you will see how many players are currently online in the homepage and in Players you will be notified if a user in the list is currently online.

To allow this server side function it was added the new define ONLINE_SECONDS in config.php to be set with the same value you have CombuManager.onlineSeconds in Unity.

Fixed database SQL file for 2.0.6

The file combu_db.sql shipped with Combu 2.0.6 contained an error that should have caused issues in your Combu database installation, so if you created your database with this version please download the fixed here.

The version 2.0.6 that is now available from our website is already fixed, but if you downloaded from Asset Store you’re probably affected. If you’re having issues especially with the admin console then please delete the tables and reimport the file above.

Released Combu 2.0.5

Combu 2.0.5 has been just released on our website and will be sent to Asset Store in the following days.

It brings new cool features and sample code:

  • Server Settings: you can now store server settings in the new section of Admin Console and load them in Unity with CombuManager.instance.serverInfo.settings
  • Newsletters: added the possibility to send the newsletter to a test email address before send to everyone
  • Pages: the sample scripts in /pages showing off how to use Combu server API in your website have been updated and fixed
  • Integrate with WordPress: added new web script to authenticate credentials against Wordpress users table and automatically create Combu account if needed

Read here the complete release notes.

If you purchased Combu on Asset Store you can redeem your invoice here and get access to the download on our website for free.

WordPress integration sample script

The sample script /extra/login_wordpress.php shows how you can integrate Combu with your WordPress website accounts, you will need to edit the constants define in this file:

define (“WORDPRESS_SERVER”, “localhost”);
define (“WORDPRESS_NAME”, “wordpress”);
define (“WORDPRESS_USERNAME”, “root”);
define (“WORDPRESS_PASSWORD”, “”);
define (“WORDPRESS_ROOT”, “../../../wp/”);

The first 4 constants are the connection settings (similar to the constants GAME_DB_* in config.php), while WORDPRESS_ROOT must be set to the relative path to your wordpress installation (the sample value you see here assumes that wordpress is installed 3 directories up from the location of login_wordpress.php, you will need to fix this to yours).

Released Combu 2.0.2

Combu 2.0.2 has been just released on our Store and will be uploaded to Asset Store in the next few days (meanwhile it’s currently under Unity review process the release of version 2.0.1).

Here is the complete release notes:

  • Unity: Fixed account creation: password is now sent encrypted in User.Update (v2.0.1)
  • Unity: Fixed account update: Id of user is now correctly sent in User.Update (v2.0.2)

The third-party integration samples in the official page have been updated and ported to 2.x.

Remember that if you purchased Combu on Asset Store, you can redeem your invoice to gain access to our Store download at no extra charge.

Released Combu 2.0

Combu 2.0 has been released on our Store and is currently under the review process on Asset Store!

If you’re planning to upgrade your current project, don’t forget to make a backup of your current PHP scripts, MySQL database and Unity project.

To upgrade an existing project, proceed as follows:

  • rename the 1.x folder in “combu_old” in Unity
  • import the 2.x package
  • delete all 1.x web files and unpack the new
  • edit the web file /lib/config.php with your MySQL connection string (server IP/hostname, database name, mysql credentials)
  • execute the file combu_db_upgrade_from_1_5_3.sql on your phpMyAdmin
  • make changes to your scripts and replace the calls to CBManager methods with the new ones from CombuManager and the new classes
  • add the prefab CombuManager from Combu/Prefabs in your scene and adjust the settings in the inspector; delete the old CBManager prefab from your scene

You will find the full new documentation online at