Issue Tracker for Combu

DEPRECATED: this product is currently NOT AVAILABLE for new purchases, though the support to the users who previously purchased it will be guaranteed until December 31st 2024.

Issue Tracker for Combu (or just Combu Tracker) is an add-on for Combu that allows your users to send in-game output logs, screenshots and tickets to your developers.

Add Open a ticket feature to your app in matter of seconds with this great add-on and don’t miss a bug from your users!

To load a list of tickets you can use IssueTracker.Issue.Load(), you can also retrieve a single ticket by Id. Once loaded, a ticket can be edited or cancelled (the method Issue.Delete() does not really delete the record, instead it sets the state of the ticket to CANCELLED).

To send a ticket you will only need to instantiate an object of type Issue, set the data and finally call Save(), like this:

// Create and send a new issue
IssueTracker.Issue issue = new IssueTracker.Issue();
issue.title = "Subject";
issue.description = "Message body";
issue.customData["MyVar1"] = "SomeInfo";
issue.customData["MyVar2"] = "OtherInfo";
// If you want to send your own log file and/or screenshot,
// you can use the other overload of Save()
issue.Save((bool success, string error) => {
   if (success)
      Debug.Log("Ticket sent");
      Debug.Log("Ticket failed: " + error);

Install the add-on

To install this add-on:

  • uncompress the file in the folder /addons of your Combu server installation (you will have a new folder called issue-tracker)
  • to create the tables on your Combu database you need to use the link Create the database script in /combu/_setup and select the add-on Issue Tracker from the dropdown list of databases (if you deleted this folder you can recopy it on your test environment and then copy the SQL script on your live phpMyAdmin)

In the expanded folder issue-tracker you will find the file config.php that you should edit to assign the following values to the constants:

  • ISSUES_FULLACCESS: if TRUE then users can access to every issue, else they can access only to their own tickets
  • ISSUES_REPORT_EMAIL: you can specify your email address here to be notified when a new ticket has been added

Once you’ve done, in your Combu Administration you will find a new section Issue Tracker (see screenshots at the bottom of this page).

How to use

To add the functionality in your game/app on Unity, just create a new empty object and attach the script IssueTracker (or use the prefab that is in the folder Prefabs).

You can set the following properties in the inspector:

  • Attach Log: if selected then the script will be registered to the console log events and the log will be attached to any ticket sent
  • Attach Screenshot: if selected then a screenshot of what’s currently displayed will be attached to any ticket sent
  • Log Types: defines what level type must be included in the output log (only if Attach Log is selected)
