Released Combu 3.1.1

Combu 3.1.1 has been released with few additions and bug fixes. You can download it now from your Downloads or later in Unity editor from Asset Store, the submission has been sent so you have to wait a couple of days for their approval.



  • Added new method UserFile.Load to load a user file by passing the Id
  • Implemented sample script CheckMail that can be attached to the CombuManager game object and be used to notify your scripts upon new in-game messages received from other users (forum post at here)



  • Added new webservice user_files/load to load a user file by passing the Id
  • Added new optional constant variable REGISTER_EMAIL_REQUIRED_FOR_GUEST to require email for new guest users (TRUE to require email, FALSE to skip the verification)
  • Fixed Utils::GetServerUrl and Utils::GetUploadUrl for links on Windows machine, implemented new method Utils::CombineUrl to get combined paths as URL
  • Fixed ServerSettings::GetCurrentSettings to correctly set in $serverClientKeys both names and values of server settings visible to clients
  • AppId::Delete now deletes recursively all data related to it (AppCustomData, AccountApp, Leaderboards, etc.)
  • Added new event AddonModule::OnUserProcessOutput(&$userData) that is called in Account::ToArrayFiltered() to filter or edit the account data output to webservices
  • Minor fixes and optimizations


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